This month, we will continue from our discussion in November on Corgi and the Lotus Esprit releases. With the release of "For Your Eyes Only", Corgi released various versions of the Lotus Esprit used in the movie. Interestingly, only the copper version with the ski rack, was the version that corgi chose to focus on.

The first release from this series, is from the Definitive Bond Collection of the Esprit. This version contained the infamous leg shot from the poster, and contained gold rims on the model, very little other detail is present. All these models appear to be in 1:43 scale.

This version is from the Ultimate Bond Collection. Detail is very similar to the previous release, however, the rims are now silver, instead of gold. The item number from corgi on this is TY04702.

Corgi finally decided to "get it right' with the Director's Cut version. Much better detail, including proper BBS colored wheels, rims with gold interior, along with proper side mirrors, and decals on the skis..even a proper license plate! This is the version to get if you are a collector of everything Lotus ... as I am destined to be! Here's another shot of the detail of the vehicle.

Next month, we will review a few new released from Kyosho in 1:64 scale... Happy Hunting!

Matt’s Models – January 2007
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